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Horse racing is a tradition left behind from the British colonial period. And is one of the legal gambling activity in Hong Kong. During the weekends, men are there shouting for the horse that they bet.


Happy Valley - Print

  • Hong Kong is a colourful place with all different things happening around this tiny city. Born and grew up in this wonderful place let us to be praised with all the dynamic surrounding us. This series of illustrations used lenticular printing effect to captured the moment of energy, the seconds of being alive. We hope to introduce the bright side of Hong Kong and to bring a little humour to everyone.

    4 Seconds in Hong Kong於2017年意大利威尼斯設計展展出,以一個幽默的方式展示香港人衝勁、活力和日常的一面。插畫利用了透鏡印刷(lenticular printing),以不同角度觀看就會看到不同影像,形成了一秒的立體動畫。

  • Digital Printing on archival paper
    Size: A1, A2, A3, A4

    Digital printing with lenticular printing
    Size: A1, A2, A3, A4

    Made in Hong Kong

    尺寸:A1, A2, A3, A4

    尺寸:A1, A2, A3, A4


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